Category Archives: EVENTS

GRAIL Final Conference in Barcelona, September 20, 2017. Register now (free)

During this 4-year project, GRAIL has developed several products, processes and technologies. We are proud to present them for our final event that is more than a conference as you will be able to interact with the scientists responsible of the research, touch and taste the products and witness the demonstration of some of the application.

Conference Goals

  • Presentation of project outcomes
  • Elaboration of upcoming challeges and implementation strategies
  • Discussion of further necessary developments and improved framework conditions.


  • 9:30 – Registration
  • 10:00 – Welcome to the participants – City council representative
  • 10:15 – Welcome of the GRAIL representative (Carles estevez InKemia IUCT)
  • 10:30 – Showroom – Presentation of products developed during the Project and poster session of the latest scientific achievements)
  • 12:30 – Cocktail

Registration fees: free.

To register, please click here.

42M Progress Meeting – April 26 to 28, 2017 – Leipzig (Germany)

All the project partners will be hosted by DBFZ in Leipzig (Germany) from April 26 to 28, 2017.

This is a good opportuny to discuss about the project advancement after the last Consortium Meeting which took place from October 12 to 14, 2016 in Hurtigruten, Bergen – Trondheim, Norway.

Agenda available here: GRAIL_42M_Agenda




11th Hellenic Polymer Society International Conference – November 3-5th, 2016 – Greece

11th Hellenic Polymer Society International Conference, which will be held in Heraklion Crete, between November 3-5th, 2016.

This series of Conferences, which started in 1987, has brought together researchers from academia, research organizations and industry and has been established as the most important national conference with significant international participation in the areas of polymer synthesis, characterization, manufacturing, processing and end-use applications. The scientific program will feature plenary/keynote lectures, invited talks, and oral and poster presentations.

For the conference, MEGARA will represent GRAIL with a poster presentation of our project.

More information available here:

5th International Conference in Social LCA – Harvard University (Cambridge, USA) – June 2016

Vertech Group (VTG) assisted the 5th International Conference in Social LCA held at Harvard University (Cambridge, USA) from 13-15 of June, 2016.


This International Conference is the largest event in this field, and the only one that focuses specifically on quantitative and systemic assessment of social impacts and progress in supply chains and product life cycles. Attendees leave with an increased understanding of how to apply Social LCA in their work and an increased ability to be change agents in their industry. During the event, VTG had the opportunity to disseminate and share the main GRAIL’s objectives focused on the social analysis of the project, being one of the first worldwide initiatives to applying this methodology in the biorefinery of glycerol valorization field.

More information here:


GRAIL Open Day – Brussels (Belgium) – March 9th, 2016

The GRAIL project Open Day will be held the 9th of March in Brussels (Belgium) at ENEA’s facilities.

The GRAIL open day is a dissemination event about the project designed to create awareness about it and its impact to key stakeholders of the field. At this event, different experts from biodiesel industry, politicians, etc. have been invited and it will consists in different talks about GRAIL, its envisaged results and impact and a discussion panel with those experts. All of you, experts, students, are totally invited to join the event and also to meet all those key stakeholders. The registration is free of charge.

Agenda of the event.

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ENEA’s facilities,
Rue de Namur 72,
1000 Bruxelles, Belgium

Map: click here

BIOLATAM 2015 – Chile – November 2015

Roberto Horcajada -Inkemia IUCT Group, project coordinator of GRAIL- will have a presentation at the BIOLATAM 2015 event in Chile on Tuesday 17, November 2015 (09:00–10:30).

The theme of his presentation is about bioeconomy and industrial biotechnology: The economic model of the future and examples of this industrial reality in Latin America. “White biotechnology includes basically all sectors except agriculture and health. It provide solutions in many areas such as chemical, food technology, environment and energy, among others. The current roundtable gives an overview of the great opportunities that white biotechnology offers with particular focus on Latin America in development of biofuels, bioplastics, biodetergents and food additives.”

Hosted this year by Chile Biotech, ProChile and Asembio, the conference is already gathering strong European support and is expected to draw an even bigger audience of engaged life science professionals.

To register and get more information, please follow this link:


TeRiFiQ EU Project Final Conference – Italy – October 2015

Partner Centiv has been disseminated GRAIL Project at TeRiFiQ EU Project Final Conference on 27th October 2015 at Milan EXPO, Italy, and visiting the “CIBUSèITALIA” Pavillon of FEDERALIMENTARE SERVIZI srl (Italian Food Industry Federation).

TeRiFiQ, EC project, aims to achieve significant binary reductions in sodium-fat and fat-sugar content of the most frequently consumed food products around Europe whilst at the same time ensuring the products’ nutritional and sensorial qualities, safety and affordability for both industry and consumers.

For more information:


14th International Symposium – Romania – September 2015
Partners Centiv (Dr. Monica Trif) and BZN (Dr. Alexandru Rusu and Berta Alvarez) have been disseminated GRAIL Project at 14th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” in Cluj-Napoca, Romania from 24 to 25 September 2015.

The aim of this symposium is, in the context of the implementation of the Common Agricultural Policies at European level, to facilitate a dynamic exchange of information, experience, innovative ideas and concepts in the field of agricultural and horticultural sciences, food science and technology, biotechnologies, veterinary medicine, as well as other interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary fields.

GRAIL is referenced page 66 of the Symposium-Program ( and page 473 in the Book of abstract.

For more information: