Vertech Group SAS

Description of the institution


2293_logo-2016_bigThe    Vertech    Group    was    founded    specifically    to    help    small    and    medium    sized    businesses    to    make    improvements through    the    adoption    of    more    efficient    use    of    resources,    environmentally    friendly    working    practices    and    the    use of    cleaner    and    more    sustainable    technologies.    Vertech    Group    is    a    start-up    engineering    consulting    company    that focuses    its    business    on    providing    advanced    environmental    and    sustainable    solutions    for    different    sectors    (i.e., eco-friendly    products,    water    and    land    management,    bio-industry,    LCA,    energy    and    industrial    waste)    together with    a    solid    innovation    transferring    plan    of    R&D&I    in    order    to    support    small-medium    enterprises    to    formulate their    own    R&D    capacities    despite    of    their    company    size.    Vertech-group    if    one    of    the    first    SMEs    to    obtain    the European    regulation    on    eco-design.

Previous    Experience

Vertech-Group    has    wide    experience    on    the    development    of    Life-Cycle    Assessment    of    products    and    processes according    to    ISO    14040-14043,    and    economic    feasibility    analysis    of    innovative    eco-friendly    products,    through different    methodologies    and    tools,    such    as    Life    Cycle    Costs,    TLV    (Technology    life    cycle    methodology),    etc.

Vertech-Group    is    currently    involved    in    several    FP7    projects,    such    as:    FWW    “  Liquid    and    gas    Fischer-Tropsch fuel    production    from    olive    industry    waste:    fuel    from    waste”,    INNOBITE    “Transforming    urban    and    agricultural residues    into    high    performance    biomaterials    for    green    construction”,    “NOSHAN:    Sustainable    Production    of Functional    and    Safe    Feed    from    Food    Waste”,    etc.

Role in the project

In GRAIL project, Vertech-Group activities will be aimed to supporting developed processes/transformation technologies and glycerol-based products taking into account financial and ecological aspects to foster sustainability. In this context, Vertech-Group activities will be mainly focused on WP6: LCA and Economic Feasibility.

Key personnel

Erasmo Cadena: Mr. Erasmo Cadena has a PhD in Environmental Science from Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB), specialized in Biotechnology. He holds a MSc. in Environmental Engineering. He works as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Cambridge-UK, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (BarcelonaTech) and National Autonomous University of Mexico. He has experience in international research initiatives (participating in European projects and publishing scientific papers) and his research interests include: new materials; life cycle assessment (applied at different sectors); technical, environmental and economic analysis; climate change studies; bioremediation systems; biofuels from different feedstock; anaerobic digestion; gaseous emissions mitigation; and solid waste management.

Paola Castrillo: Mrs. Paola Castrillo has a Science and Materials Engineering PhD from Carlos III he University of Madrid. From 2004 to the present she has been active in the preparation, management, coordination and development of various R & D projects in the areas of European development and application of new materials (INNOBITE, TECNOCAI, DINATER, NANOTER), improved energy efficiency in buildings:

(S4EeB) and sustainability (FFW). Currently working as Commercial Manager for Vertech Group while at the same time actively participates in different R & D projects.

Jesus Antonio Barona: Mr Barona is a Civil Engineer (PUJ), M.Sc on Innovation and Optimized Systems (IETcc), M.Sc. in Project Management (UPM) and MBA. Mr. Barona counts with Wide experience on engineering, field and consultancy related to the energy and environmental sector, together with the coordination of FP7 international research and development funded projects. In the past, as Head of the R&D Group, Mr. Barona has participated in more than 100 international R&D project projects and over 30 running projects (i.e. FP7, IEE, Life+, Ecoinnovation, Eureka, Japan-Spain International partnership programme (JSIP), Eurostars, among others).